Our Vision, Ethos & Values
Our vision is to provide an inspiring curriculum which prepares students for a successful working life, stable relationships and rewarding community engagement.
Purple Oaks Academy has capacity for 100 students with a diagnosis of Autism and or Severe Learning Difficulties with an Education Health and Care Plan naming Purple Oaks Academy.
The expectations for all Greenwood Academies Trust Academies, including Purple Oaks Academy, are:
- an outstanding education for all children and young people
- developing confidence, high expectations and significantly enhanced life chances
- the appointment of an outstanding Principal and staff who will develop a calm, well-disciplined and purposeful environment, with students who take pride in themselves and their Academy
- developing pupil attitudes so they take responsibility for their actions, respect other students and their community and become confident, well-educated and purposeful citizens
- the belief that any disability, previous schooling, lack of parental support and home deprivation must never be a barrier to success
- staff who set the highest standards as role models
- the highest quality of teaching and learning
- a relevant and stimulating curriculum with personalised learning to encourage students to attend well and be engaged in their learning
- fostering pupil and staff pride in their Academy
- developing strong and effective working relationships with partner schools, other post-16 providers and local and national businesses
- developing a range of post-16 opportunities, in partnership with other education and training providers, to ensure 100% transference from each year 11 cohort to post-16
- developing links with universities, employers and training providers to ensure 100% transference to HE, employment or training for each post-16 cohort
- free access to sporting and outdoor pursuits
To achieve this Purple Oaks Academy will uphold this ethos and embed these values:
- provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment for your child
- recognise all students as individuals and try our best to be responsive to their individual needs
- ensure each child achieves his/her potential, as a valued member of Purple Oaks Academy community
- provide a broad and balanced curriculum and meet his/her individual needs through a personalised curriculum
- encourage your child to achieve high standards of work and behaviour, through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility
- keep you informed about life at Purple Oaks Academy and about your child’s progress
- promote a range of extra-curricular activities
- listen to parental concerns and work in partnership with you to support your child
- offer opportunities for you to become involved in the life of Purple Oaks Academy
We ask parents to:
- ensure that your child attends Purple Oaks Academy regularly, on time and properly equipped
- inform Purple Oaks Academy of any concerns or problems that might affect your child’s learning, behaviour or attendance
- support all Purple Oaks Academy policies, particularly those on behaviour and uniform
- support homework, in line with children’s needs, and encourage other home learning opportunities
- attend parents’ evenings and annual review meetings and contribute to other discussions about your child’s progress
- take an active interest in the life at Purple Oaks Academy and the part your child plays in it
- support Purple Oaks Academy to explain to your child the importance of trying their best in all learning activities and behaving well
- refrain from using social media to air any issues or concerns you may have with Purple Oaks Academy and to contact the Principal in the first instance