Post 16
Preparation for the transition from Post-16 starts at the beginning of Year 12. We ensure that our students and families have a breadth of knowledge regarding the opportunities that will be available to them when they are ready to progress into adulthood. We have built links and relationships with adult providers and arrange visits for students to have the exposure to these providers so that they can make an informed choice about their future with the support of their family and the adults that know them well.
The Post-16 curriculum is based on the Preparing for Adulthood Framework with the overarching principles of Health, Independence, Community and Relationships, Employment and Further Education. Everything that we teach in Post-16 can be linked directly to one of these principles. We have a strong focus on life skills; students shop for their ingredients, cook their own lunch and wash up. We have an ‘apartment’ classroom that is set up as a residence where students learn the skills that they would need to live an independent or semi-independent life.
A great deal of learning takes place in the community and students learn how to apply their literacy, communication and mathematical skills in everyday activities and in environments that they might find challenging. They are supported to use their preferred method of communication in all settings that we visit to increase their confidence and community participation. Wherever possible, we will join other groups to give our students the opportunity to make friendships outside the school setting and find activities that they enjoy. We also meet up for social events with students from other Post-16 provisions.
We encourage students to be ambitious and think about what they would like to do for employment or volunteering opportunities when they are ready to leave Purple Oaks Academy. Every place we visit has people who work there and which could be a potential work environment for our students. We have an enterprise activity every half-term and students take part in work experience.
This half-term we held a Halloween stall at school. We made resin pumpkins, scary spider garlands, witches broom sticks and 'mummy' tea lights to name a few. We sold them to the staff, students and families before school and at the end of the day.