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Purple Oaks Academy

Upper Phase

What will the timetable for Upper Phase students be like?

Timetables are available on Microsoft Teams for each class in Upper Phase - it can be found in the class conversation. This timetable is broadly in line with the usual academy timetable. This means that students will continue to work towards all of their accredited courses during a period of remote learning. 

Students will have scheduled lessons for each of their subject areas - these will be a mix of 'live' teaching sessions with opportunities to engage with other students and their usual teacher, and time to complete tasks which have been set for them to do independently. 

Live teaching will take place on Microsoft Teams; all students who are working at home can join the lesson, and expect the same work, access to staff and the same support they would receive if they were in the academy.

Resources are uploaded onto each class area on Microsoft Teams before the lesson begins. Support staff are available for each lesson if students need them, they can work in a ‘break out’ room - this means they work away from the main lesson receiving the individual help and support they need.  The qualifications the students are working towards remain the same. The phase is not moving away from its current long term plans.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

If your child requires hard copies of work, for the Upper Phase, please contact Mr Billington, the Upper Phase lead, and he will arrange for the work to be posted home. This will be tailored to the needs of your child to ensure we are still meeting their specific need as outlined by their EHC plan.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

Students in the Upper Phase will still be assessed and monitored in the same way they would if they were receiving education within the academy. Students will receive verbal feedback from staff during the live lessons, they will also receive written feedback where appropriate on the tasks they complete. In addition, students will undertake half termly assessments and these will be used to ensure that they are continuing to make progress towards their target grades.